L’orchestre d’avant-garde, founded in 2018 by its Artistic Director Yusuke Watanabe and his colleagues, Masamitsu Sannomiya, Yoko Tsuruta, Toshiki Tsumuraya, Misa Takahashi, Toru Yamamoto and other Japanese young specialists of historical instruments, sees itself in the tradition of so-called early music on historical instruments. This is the basis of this orchestra and its programs.
Its former orchestra has collaborated with Majora Canamus Tokyo, also directed by Yusuke Watanabe, since 2013 and performed many master pieces of sacred choral music such as Messiah by Handel, requiem by Mozart, Stabat Mater by Haydn, with historical instruments.
L’orchestre d’avant-garde just started its own concert series of Beethoven Zyklus. The first concert was on 14th February 2019 at Toppan hall in Tokyo with Kikuko Ogura, fortepianist.
In 2020, the 250th anniversary year of Beethoven’s birth, L'orchestre d'avant-garde had a special concert of Yokohama Minatomirai hall on 10th November. They played 9th symphony of Beethoven with newly founded professional chorus, Chœur d’avant-garde, and also played 4th piano concerto with Naruhiko Kawaguchi. The original fortepiano by John Broadwood ca.1800 which was restored by Itaru Ohtagaki in 2020 was used.
On the other hand, the members of L'orchestre d'avant-garde made a chamber music concert which title is "The Eve of Beethoven's symphonies", focused on the early chamber music works of Beethoven which are all composed before his first symphony. This interactive concert was planned and produced by Sakuhiko Fuse, the principal double bassist of L'orchestre d'avant-garde.
Contact us : orchestre.avantgarde@gmail.com
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Lorchestre-davant-garde-264215137784063/
twitter : https://twitter.com/orchestre_avant

ⒸYukiko Koshima
L’orchestre d’avant-garde 1st concert
14th Feb., 2019, 18:30 open, 19:00 start at Toppan hall, Tokyo
Conducted by Yusuke Watanabe
Fortepiano solo: Kikuko Ogura
Ludwig van Beethoven(1770-1827)
Ouvertüre aus „Die Geschöpfe des Prometheus“ Op. 43
Klavierkonzert Nr. 1 C-dur Op. 15
Symphonie Nr. 1 C-dur Op. 21
Majora Canamus Tokyo 6th regular concert
17th Feb., 2019, 13:30 open, 14:00 start at Dai-ichi seimei hall, Tokyo
Conducted by Yusuke Watanabe
Soprano: Saki Nakae, Alto: Naoko Fuse, Tenor: Katsuhiko Nakashima, Bass: Ken-ichiro Himi
Chorus: Majora Canamus Tokyo
Orchestra: L’orchestre d’avant-garde
Franz Joseph Haydn(1732-1809)
Missa in tempore belli (Paukenmesse), Hob.XXII:9
Ludwig van Beethoven(1770-1827)
Messe C-Dur, Op. 86
Beethoven 2020 at Yokohama Minatomirai
10th Nov., 2020, 18:30 open, 19:00 start at Minatomirai hall, Yokohama
Conducted by Yusuke Watanabe
Soprano: Kanae Fujitani, Alto: Makiko Yamashita, Tenor: Katsuhiko Nakashima, Bass: Yuki Kuroda
Fortepiano solo: Naruhiko Kawaguchi
Chorus: Chœur d’avant-garde
Orchestra: L’orchestre d’avant-garde
Ludwig van Beethoven(1770-1827)
Ouvertüre aus „Die Geschöpfe des Prometheus“ Op. 43
Klavierkonzert Nr. 4 G-dur Op. 58
Symphonie Nr. 9 d-minor Op. 125
The Eve of Beethoven's symphonies
14th Nov., 2020, 14h/18h at Hokutopia tsutsuji hall, Tokyo
Planning and production by Sakuhiko Fuse
Fortepiano: Naruhiko Kawaguchi, Bass: Yusuke Watanabe
Violin: Akira Harada, Viola: Shiho Hiromi, Violoncello: Toru Yamamoto, Double bass: Sakuhiko Fuse
Clarinet: Nahoko Mitsue, Fagott: Masayuki Okamoto, Horn: Marie Fujita
Ludwig van Beethoven(1770-1827)
Septet Es-Dur, op.20
Adelaide op.46, Ich liebe dich WoO123
Sonate für Klavier und Violoncello Nr.1 F-Dur op.5-1
Klaviersonate Nr.20 G-Dur op.49-2